Dear M. and J.
Thank you very much for coming to see me today. I am so sorry that it followed a cycle in which egg and sperm cell did not manage to fertilise each other.
To summarise the cycle of treatment: Mrs.G - you were injecting 150 units of Gonal-F and were ready in good time for egg cell collection. 14 egg cells were collected of which 10 were mature. With extra scrutiny ,probably not more then 4 of those egg cells had absolutely the right characteristics. The sperm prepared satisfactorily in the laboratory although the pattern of motility tended to be more in the direction of "shaking" rather than really good forward progress. We have to conclude therefore that on this occasion that there was difficulty with both egg and sperm cell quality. It would be overstating the case to say we have reached a diagnosis but plainly this might have occurred in nature for you over the time that you have been trying.
I feel that you are making a good recovery and appreciate that the passage of time is helping. We are quite clear in encouraging you to stick with the treatment and to build in planned ICSI technique at the next attempt. Plainly , I cannot be absolutely sure that there will be fertilisation but that will certainly give the best overall chance.
You told me that you are getting ready to think in terms of another try and so please feel free to contact Oxford during Maria`s second "proper" period so as to get you nicely on to schedules.
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